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8 Ways to Relieve Bloating

Published on 23/02/2023

How often do you hear yourself or your friends complain about bloating?

How many of you sometimes start your day with a flat stomach and end it feeling uncomfortable in an outfit due to gas retention? Some food items such as gluten, lactose, fructose, wheat, cruciferous vegetables, fruits, and legumes cause gas retention; this inflates your belly making and leaves you with abdominal pain, cramps, and discomfort.

Here are a few simple strategies to help you beat the bloat:

Keep a food diary

Keep a food diary to track how you feel after eating certain food items as food allergies and intolerances can cause gasses and bloating. Don’t self-diagnose and eliminate necessary food groups like healthy whole grains, calcium-rich dairy, or mineral-rich fruits and veggies. Talk to your gastroenterologist and let your doctor conduct the necessary exams. If you suspect anything, limit your intake for a specific duration of time then re-introduce it gradually until you tolerate it better.

Fun fact: Did you know that prebiotics and probiotics bacteria can improve digestive health

Slow down, eat mindfully, and enjoy your food!

Digestion begins in the month and you can reduce bloating just by chewing your food more. When you eat quickly you may swallow air which leads to bloating. Keep in mind that your meal should last for at least 30 minutes. Eating slowly not only benefits your stomach but also makes you eat less. So keep chewing!

Speaking of chewing… Got a gum habit?

Chewing gum leads to swallowing air which may cause bloating. Avoid chewing gum and shift to sucking peppermint candy or eating healthy, fiber-rich fruits and veggie snacks like carrots, cucumbers, and celery sticks.

Avoid Sugar-Free foods.

Consuming too many artificial sweeteners on their own or in artificially sweetened beverages or diet products leads to bloating. Who said carbonated drinks can ease the bloating; that’s a big myth! Fizzy water and fizzy sugary drinks including diet ones can cause gas and bloating. Replace these drinks with flavored water by adding lemon, lime, cucumber, and/or mint leaves. Choose soothing beverages like mint or ginger tea as they may help reduce bloating.

Limit Sodium intake.

Processed food, containing high sodium and low fiber content, contributes to bloating. When buying processed, canned, or frozen foods, check the "Nutritional facts label" and aim for items lower than 500 mg of sodium per serving. Look for labels that claim "sodium-free", "low sodium" or "very low sodium”. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), your daily intake should not exceed a total of 1500 mg of sodium per day.

Eat small frequent meals.

Both skipping meals and having large meals lead to bloating and discomfort. Enjoy three main meals a day with two healthy snacks in between.

Avoid constipation.

Gas builds up due to constipation. Drink plenty of water, at least 6-8 glasses a day, and boost your fiber intake with whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes to prevent constipation.  Exercising (whether 3 times a week or 10,000 steps a day) and stretching help relieve constipation as well. In fact, yoga and Pilates are great ways to de-stress and de-bloat. 

Finally, there are many different factors that play a role in bloating such as certain food groups, some medications, some diseases, and stressful lifestyles. Always talk to your doctor, stay well-hydrated, and be active. Take back control of your gut with the Gut Healthy Meal Plan.